2 Second Lean - 3rd Edition is all about "Continuous Improvement." It's a practical way to improve your life every day by making a simple 2 second improvement. Join author, business expert, internet show host, and international speaker, Paul A. Akers, as he takes us on a LEAN journey that will transform every aspect our lives... from home to the office.
"Ten years ago I began my Lean journey. I had never even heard the word before, but what happened was nothing short of astounding. Lean thinking has propelled my business from a small operation in my garage into an international, multi-million dollar enterprise. Welcome to my world of Extreme Lean thinking. Once you have experienced the vast benefits of Lean, you will crave it, want it, and do anything to get it. Lean thinking has made an enormous difference in my life – personally and professionally."
"This book is not intended for MBAs or those interested in manufacturing theory or flow charts. This book is intended to blast open the door of opportunity for people who want to improve their daily life, be it in their workplace or home. Lean is not as complicated
as all the experts and textbooks make it out to be. In fact, as you learn to incorporate a Lean approach to your life, you will see that the more Lean thinking you have in your life, the more you will enjoy life." ~ Paul A. Akers
Read this book and be inspired by how easy and fun it can be. No flow charts or graphs – just the real life journey of one company and the astounding results Lean thinking can produce. Take a few hours, read 2 Second Lean and change your life!